Cocktails by the Signs: Aquarius Horoscopes
Oct. 11, 2016
From the Cocktails by the Signs Series
See moreKnown as the rebel of the zodiac, Aquarius doesn’t feel compelled to follow any path, except their own. At their core, they are creative dreamers that care about unearthing new ideas, so you can be sure they’re always ready to try out new restaurants or bars – the less trendy the better.
While Aquarius is actually an air sign, make no mistake about their affection for the water. These eclectic friends will never turn down a day of fun in the sun – beach, boat or poolside – especially if the cocktails are flowing freely!
While not interested in fitting in society’s mold for them, Aquarius does take great interest in acts of service and expanding the knowledge of those around them. In fact, you’ve most likely heard some of their more modern philosophies over a drink or two.
Cocktail recommendations:
Yacht Rock Sangria
The Re-Margarita