Cocktails by the Signs: Scorpio Horoscopes
Oct. 3, 2016
From the Cocktails by the Signs Series
See moreSince Scorpios have the ability to remain calm, cool and collected in most situations, they make excellent leaders, but are also known to be one of the fiercest signs of the zodiac when their passions are aroused. It’s easy to determine exactly where they stand in these situations, whether it’s about politics or which bar has the best happy hour in town.
One of the most loyal of the signs, Scorpio typically has many friends. They’re known to be brave, so it wouldn’t be out of character for them to start chatting up the stranger sitting next to them at the bar without hesitation.
One of the most admirable traits of Scorpio is their ability to keep a secret. Anything you tell them in confidence will never be repeated. So if you have a secret recipe and are dying to share, a Scorpio friend would be your best bet.
Recommended cocktails:
Cool Breeze
Spicy Strawberry Lime Margarita